Monday, April 22, 2013

Desperate - A MUST READ for Mommas

Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson have written a book
One to speak to our momma hearts. 
I recommend this book for every momma and not just the ones expecting
or ones with tinies, but mommas in every stage of parenting.

You can read my Desperate Momma story here.

The Kindle version of Desperate is on sale today only for $3.99
and you can get it here. Seriously, go now.

If you've been thinking of starting a book study of Desperate, this week would be a fantastic time to get the books. If you buy five *paperback* copies of Desperate this week (through Friday) you can get the Desperate DVD for FREE! Go HERE (or your favorite store) to get the books! Then just take a picture or scan your receipt and send it to:

To celebrate the release of the Desperate DVD, Sarah and Sally are giving away a $100 GC to a maid service, a Yankee candle (winner's choice), a "breathe" custom necklace, 5 books, and a DVD. You can enter at or


Friends...believe me when I tell you that this book is simply a gift from these two incredible women. It is a gift you can receive and one to give away as well. Buy one for yourself and get another for your friend. Buy one for every momma in your church or a momma you might encounter through your day.


1 comment:

  1. Aww love that book and couldn't watch your video on the computer I will later on another device!! Have a great trip. Can't wait to hear about it!!


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