Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Leading You: The Art of Self-Leadership - Jim Wideman

Anytime I have an opportunity to sit under Jim's teaching,
I am always incredibly blessed.
Today I attended his workshop
Leading You: The Art of Self-Leadership.

Here are my notes.

Nobody was born organized. Everything is learned behavior.
Almost everything shared is from Jim's book, Beat the Clock.

Leadership is a privilege. It also has its challenges. 
Some people are easier to lead than others.
My biggest challenge is leading myself.

The H Factors in Leading You


Sometimes we are so busy doing the work of the ministry
that we don’t guard our hearts.
It will really help your ministry to know Jesus.
Make an appointment with Jesus. 
Treat those appointments as your first priority.
 You have to make deposits before you can make withdrawals.


You’ve got to have your home organized. 
God created the family before He did the church.
What happens at home is more important than what happens at church. - Reggie Joiner
The time you spend at home and what
you do with that time is important.
Your family is your greatest sermon.
Your family is God’s will.


Your health is very important.
You need to take care of yourself.


Watch your thinking. Take every thought captive.
You cant control what happens in life. You can control how you respond.


If we all have 24 hours, it is important to God how we spend them.
Planning must always go before action.
How do you want to spend your time?
Every job goes better with the right tools.

Look at events and deadlines.
Make a list of 3 things you want to improve on.
Set deadlines.

Look at meetings we need to have.
Arrange meetings to go over what needs to be done
then release team to do the work.
Read Death by Meeting by Patrick Lencioni

Set appointment for everything that is important.

4 Keys to Time Management


Most put end date on calendar but don’t include appointments to work on project.
People follow people with a plan. 


Use to-do lists. 
Things for Mac. Kickoff texting program for projects. Things has multiple to do lists.
Set alarms and reminders. Set priorities.

Will work on this now and work on that later.


Quit writing down what you want to do and evaluate what you have done.
Ask – Is it working? How do we define the win?
Identify time wasters.  
Identify something you did today that you can improve tomorrow.

How do I need to spend time that I am saving?


It is important that you allow people to lead. 
Someone let you sorry all over kids and get better. You have to return the favor. 
What are you doing that someone else could do? 
What does God want you to do? 
Help organize others so you can use their time. 
There are some people in my ministry that need to be needed more than I need the help. 

Top 10 List for Managing You

Account for your time
Plan your time offensively
Keep your priorities in order
Delegate to the faithful
Plan for the interruptions
Respond rather than react to a crisis
Don’t procrastinate
Get some help
Plan for growth

Jim has provided all his workshop notes to be downloaded here.

Jim Wideman is considered to be an innovator, pioneer and one of the fathers of the modern children’s ministry movement. He has trained hundreds of thousands of children’s ministry and student ministry leaders from across the U.S. and around the world over the past 35 years. Jim currently oversees Next Generation & Family Ministries, which includes birth through college, at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Jim and his wife, Julie, have two fabulous daughters, two handsome son-in-laws and the cutest grandson ever born!
Twitter: @jimwideman

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