Friday, February 1, 2013

Right There With Us

Today I am joining Lisa-Jo and friends for Five Minute Friday.
This is where we come together writing for 5 minutes without editing or overthinking.
I love this community.

Check out what everyone's is sharing on the word AFRAID here.

Five Minute Friday

I remember what fear feels like.
It has been over seven years since we experienced Hurricane Wilma, 
but it seems like yesterday.

We watched the news updates for days.
We bought all the supplies needed.
We were prepared for the storm coming. 
We had already been through a few that year,
including Katrina and several tropical storms.
We were ready.

Until we heard that Wilma had changed course 
and the eye of the storm was going to go directly over us.
So we moved the boys into the bathroom and 
we were in the hallway just outside the bathroom.

My babies all laying on the floor of the bathroom.
D sitting beside me holding my hand so tight.
The wind and rain raged around us.
The sound unlike anything I have ever a freight train. So loud. 
But not loud enough to drown out the sounds of my babies crying. 
Then the walls that D and I were leaning on began to shake.

Sweet Jesus.
Right there with us.

My hands shake just typing this out.
We were afraid.
Then came the eye of the storm.
Strange that the rain and wind stopped.
It was the calm in the midst.
We were able to breathe in peace for a moment.

Sweet Jesus.
Right there with us.

Then the tail of the storm. Worse than the start.
Windows breaking. Walls shaking. My crying babies.
D saying over and you.
Six hours.
We huddled together.
We couldn't let go for awhile after it was all over.
I kept thinking...just breathe.
Everything changed with one storm.

Sweet Jesus.
Right there with us.

I remember what fear feels like.
I remember what He feels like more.

Be sure of this: I am with you always.
Matthew 28:20



  1. My goodness, those are powerful words!! Thank you so much for sharing your story, Wendy! :)

  2. Oh, yes! No matter where we are or where we go -- He. Is. with. Us. Wow! I think of David and what He must have felt when he wrote -- such thoughts are too wonderful for me. Ps 139 Overwhelmed my His love for us!

    Love you friend.

    1. To know that He is with us in the every day moments and in the midst of every storm...overwhelming. Love you too sweet friend!

  3. Thank you for sharing, very powerful post, I got shivers. Bless your family and thank the Lord. Have a joyful weekend. Tara.

    1. Thank you so much Tara! Blessings to you as well friend!

  4. Oh my gosh! That is terrifying just reading. I got goosebumps. I could picture it all and I just wanted to cry for your poor babies. And to know and feel Jesus in the midst. What a blessing. I can't even imagine. I do not like natural disasters of any kind.But to have that traumatic experience seared into your memories and to have the memory of Jesus stronger and brighter still! Love. Amazing write, Wendy.

    1. Thank you so much Alia! I got the shakes a bit writing it. Could hear the boys cries in my head. But through it all I felt Him close both then and now. Blessings friend!

  5. Right there with us. In the center of the storm raging. I'm thankful to serve a God who can handle anything...great reminder of "Immanuel"..

    1. Oh too. That He calm calm the storm outside and within us as well. Blessings!

  6. Tears filled my eyes, and I got goosebumps!! That ha to been the scariest time ever!! But I love .... I remember what fear feels like, but I remember what Jesus feels like more!!!Awesome!!

    1. Thank you Jennifer! So thankful that He is near always. Through everything. Blessings friend!

  7. Hi Wendy
    I cannot even begin to understand the fear you must have gone through!! In South Africa we don't experience storms and hurricanes of that intensity.
    I am so glad that you experienced our Lord's presence through it all. For that is truly where He always is ... right by your side!
    Much love

    1. That is so true Mia. He is always with us. Both in the every day and the scarier moments. Always. Blessings and much love friend.

  8. Oh, my word, Wendy! Sobbing as I read this!! I cannot imagine- yet what a BEAUTIFUL testament to the presence of God. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
    Thank you and much love to you!

    1. Thank you so much my sweet friend! Blessings and much love!

  9. Oh Wendy! Just Wow! So glad you all made it through - and so glad that you remember what He feels like more than the fear!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I spelled your name wrong, Wendy, so wanted to re-do! I loved this post because I, too, have been through the eye of the storm. But what I loved the most was you. You, yours, in the path of the eye with all eyes upon Him. This truly is what being UN-afraid means.

  11. Oh, those storms that keep us up all night with our eyes on the weather channel instead of the One who the winds and seas obey. I could hear those howls and creaks. I'm glad you remember the peace as strongly as the shaking! Where were you?

    1. We lived in South Florida near Ft. Lauderdale. My mom lived there until recently and we would still watch the Weather Channel when the storms would come her way.

  12. Oh my goodness I just got chills... And so humbled by your faith friend that even in the worst you never lost your faith or sight of Him... Thank you Lord for keeping this family safe.

    1. Amen Tonya! Praising Him for sheltering us in the storm. Blessings friend!

  13. "I remember what He feels like more" Wow. That was so powerful, brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad that we have Jesus to cling to in the midst of the storm.

    Bless you and thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much Vicki! May I cling to Him in and out of the storm. Blessings!

  14. Oh my. Unreal. Your words are so powerful and you had me there, wanting to hold your hand and squeeze those babies tight! Love how you draw all the glory to Him! Amazing post :) Hopping over from five minute Friday :)

    1. Thank you so much Christie! Your kind words are so appreciated. Blessings!

  15. Oh what a powerful post. Well written. And the last two lines make me feel victory even though there was probably so much loss. There is sweetness is the love of your family.

    1. Thank you Laura! So grateful for your kind words tonight. Blessings!

  16. Beautiful. I felt like I was right there with you. Well-written...words from the heart usually are.

  17. Eeeekkkk. Amazing. I'm so glad you know what He feels like and can hold onto that, more than the feeling of fear. xx


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