Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Walk With Me

I think that generally when we think of discipleship, we too often associate it with having someone in our lives to encourage us and empower us. I think having a mentor is important, but I also believe that being a mentor is equally important.

One generation shall commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts.
Psalm 145:4

I think the lessons we teach in children’s ministry are important, but I also believe we have so much more to offer these kids. Being involved in the lives of the kids outside of Sunday mornings is something I am very passionate about. As Paul walked with Timothy, I believe we are called to walk with the next generation following us. They need to see us living out what they are being taught on Sunday mornings.

This may be something as simple as having lunch with them or tutoring after school. It may be watching a baseball game or bringing them home for dinner on a regular basis. The important thing about this time is not what you buy the kids or where you take them, but that you are there – there to talk and there to listen, there to offer encouragement and to give direction, there to pray for and with these kids. We have not only an obligation but an amazing opportunity to invest in the lives of these kids.

I know most of you have a “Paul” in your life, but do you have a “Timothy”?
Who are you walking with today?

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