Thursday, May 24, 2012

Me, Mr. Clean, & God

There is one day every week when I deep clean our home. Dusting, scrubbing...the whole nine yards.
This is also the time when I have my deepest conversations with God.

This time is when I pray the biggest prayers for my guys. Making their beds I ask that God covers them with love and grace. Dusting their rooms I ask that God gives them a clean heart. Picking up all the clutter in their rooms I ask that God will remove all distractions from what He has for them.

Now I will admit that when I am cleaning the bathroom I am having a different kind of prayer involving aim with three boys. Moms of sons, you totally get that prayer and may have even prayed it as well.

This is the time that I just talk with Him. It becomes more than prayer. It is a conversation. I tell Him about everything during this time. I empty my mind and heart into this space and know that He hears me.

This is also the time that I praise with complete abandon. I put on some worship music and proceed to dance and sing to my God. I want to be able to do all of these chores with joy and this really helps to make that happen.

So one day a week I have a standing date with Mr. Clean and my God.
It is one of my favorite days of the week.


  1. Wow,you've actually inspired me to clean my house! Kaye

  2. Wendy I can just see you dancing around the house doing your best "water sprinkler" moves and singing at the top of your lungs! I love how you spend time with God and how you equate your cleaning to His cleaning and protection. Blessings to you today, sister!

    1. Ha! Yes I tend to do some serious singing and dancing in worship here at home. Love and hugs my sweet sister!

  3. Thank you so much for this post. My small group at church was just talking about the importance of praying aloud through our homes for our families. I shared this with them! Thanks for linking up at Thrive @ Home!

    1. I am so sorry I missed this earlier Audra. We too have been talking about praying over our families. How important it is. Thank you so much for your kind words. Blessings!

  4. I used to do that too! I was inspired by the book "Sink Reflections" about praying a blessing over your house as you do the serious cleaning 1x a week. Lately, I've been really slacking in the cleaning department, but I agree -- it's a great time to really commune with the Lord.

    Lindsey @

    1. Thanks Lindsey! I had not heard of that book before but will have to add it to my wish list. Blessings friend!

  5. What a wonderful way to address housework and worship your way through it! "A standing date with Mr. Clean and my God" - love it! Your boys are no doubt reaping the fruit of all those cleaning prayers.

    Grace to you in our Lord Jesus for the week ahead. I'm visiting from Playdates with God today.

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words today friend. So encouraging. Thank you for visiting. Blessings!


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