Here are some of my favorite online reads this week.
You Matter by Tsh Oxenreider
Momma, You are Called to Greatness! by Kristin Lemus
Anointed for Burial by Frank Viola
In which I've got a song to sing by Sarah Bessey
So God Made a Mother by Ann Voskamp
What's Your Greatest Heart Desire? by Margaret Feinberg
Wherever It Rises by Jen Hatmaker
You're One of a Kind by Renee Swope
Simple Stories (an invitation to old-fashioned blogging) by Ashleigh Baker
i'm tired of comparing my journey to other's. by Alene Snodgrass
Speaking Up for Grace by Sarah Markley
More Than The Hem by Jennifer Diebel
Why Mother's Day is for the Birds by Ann Voskamp
(Re)Defining What It Means to Mother by Jennifer Camp
(Re)Defining What It Means to Mother by Jennifer Camp
What was your favorite read this week?
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