Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lessons from Santa – Part 1 of 3

This time of year, you see a Santa Claus almost everywhere you look. No matter where you come down on the issue of Santa, there are still a few things that we can learn from Santa in Children’s Ministry. So, over the course of the next few weeks leading up to Christmas, we will look at a number of things we can learn from the jolly old elf.

The first thing we can learn is the necessity of…


Planning is an essential part of what we do each week. Lists enable us to make the vision a reality step by step.

This could mean a to-do list, a supply list, and even a meeting agenda. Two lists that are a must-have each week are a service plan and a volunteer list.

Having the service plan on paper or stored in an online program allows you to envision each moment and allow margin for those unplanned moments. It is also a way to share the plan with your volunteers and gives them a way to prepare for service in advance.

A list of volunteers serving each week helps you to know who will be there that week and lets your volunteers know who they will be serving with. In addition to an orgainzational aid, this list can also be passed out or used as a prayer list for that week.

Planning Center ( http://planningcenteronline.com/ ) is the program we use, and I really like it. It allows you to plan your services and schedule your volunteers each week. It also allows you to include worship videos and other items to share with your volunteers. It is simple to learn and easily navigated. Planning Center can also be used on iPhones and iPod Touches as there is an App available. I definitely recommend this program for those looking for a way to organize services each week.

Do you use lists to help organize your service each week? Do you have a program that you would recommend to others? What are the benefits of using a list for you and your ministry?


  1. Totally not what I expected from your title.=) But, great post!

  2. I have lists for everything! There is something about crossing something off my list that brings a wonderful sense of satisfaction.. In fact, I even write stuff I already did on my list just so I can cross it off!

    1. Ren I am the same way! I LOVE lists and the satisfaction of checking things off them. Blessings!


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