Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bouncing into Saturday Night at Kidmin Conference

Last night we were blessed by some incredible music with Royal Tailor, Leeland, and Building 429. This is my favorite song right now by Leeland.

We were also blessed by Jim Wideman speaking. Here is a bit of what he shared with us.

God wants us to start, stay, and finish strong.

Your vision will keep you from quitting.

Your job is to make it hard for kids in your town to grow up and not know about their living savior.
Vision is one of the most important things you can have for the long haul.

Where there is no vision people perish. Where there is vision people flourish.

More than anything else we need to encourage each other to stay strong in the Lord.
Why should God give you more kids when you dont take care of the ones you have?

The church should out serve everyone. If families can get a call about an oil change, surely we can call them about their kids.

We've only scratched the surface of what the modern childrens ministry movement can be. 

It's all about Jesus. Anything that has worked is because of Jesus.

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