Sunday, January 9, 2011

Today in KidzPlayce

Finish Line


Keep doing what God says because He is God.

Memory Verse

Let us keep on running the race marked out for us.
Hebrews 12:1

Bible Lesson

Exodus 3:1-12; 5:1-2; 7:14-24

8-11; 12:21-23; 29-42

Small Group Time

In small group time today we located our memory verse in our Bibles and highlighted them. I issued a challenge to the girls to memorize it and have someone in their family memorize it with them.

We talked more about the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years and the journey for them that began with Moses hearing from God at the burning bush and ending by entering the Promised Land. We talked about how it was similar to running a race. That there are times while running a race that we might feel like quitting, but there are ways that we can be encouraged to finish the race - reading our Bible, praying, worship, coming to church, etc. We talked about how if we quit the race too soon, then we might miss the blessings along the way and our very own Promised Land at the end of the race.

We also talked about fasting and several of the girls have decided to join the fast with their families. Some of the things that the girls want to give up during their fasts are: tv, video games, ice cream, candy.

We closed our time in prayer over several of the girls' prayer requests and over all that are starting their fasts tomorrow.

We have decided to learn the books of the Bible during our time of fasting. Here is a video to help remember them:

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