As I begin this new journey in my children's ministry adventure, I am so excited to lead the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls in KidzPlayce at The Gathering. These Thursday posts are part of my journey.
I realized something this past week in KidzPlayce-I absolutely love leading a small group! I am so enjoying getting to know each of the girls in the group. These girls, while each unique in some ways, have some really basic similarities that we all have. I should mention that I found most of this out as we chatted over silly bandz.
- They ask alot of questions. Not just about me as they are getting to know me as well, but about everything. One moment they are asking about my boys and in the next they are asking about baptism. Topics change fast so I might need to buckle up next week.
- They want someone to listen to them. They want to chat about everything from the lesson to what is happening at school and home. Once you make direct eye contact and they know you are listening, the floodgates open. Topics here change fast as well.
- They like what they like and will tell you. I learned everyone has a favorite color and that silly bandz bracelets are more popular that the rings. Also noted that everyone will "oooooh and ahhhhh" if you pull a necklace with bazillion silly bandz charms on it.
- They want to share prayer requests and pray for each other. One by one they opened their hearts to each other and to me. I was so humbled as each of the girls shared their prayer requests. After everyone had a turn to speak, one girl asked to pray over our group and all our requests. I was blown away.
i absolutely love this post! so sweet & heartfelt! and really, you just discovered that you love leading small groups?! hard to believe - seems like something you were born to do :)